- INFO -
Lubavitch Day Camp is part of the largest and fastest growing network of Jewish day camps in the world. LDC enjoys a well-earned reputation as a trendsetter with innovative ideas, creative programs and new activities.
Many a child has been known to wait all year to come back to Lubavitch Day Camp! From our Tiny Tot Division to our big kids program, campers enjoy a wide range of exciting activities and field trips in a warm and vivacious atmosphere.
- map info -
overview our camp territory
Nullam vel pellentesque tortor, nec ornare enim. Praesent vehicula. Phasellus semper nisi eu quam eleifend, eu scel erisque nisl fermentum. Nam sit amet placerat eros, id faucibus. Nullam vel pellentesque tortor, nec ornare enim.
- blog feed -
official blog updates
- our staff -
Meet Our Leadership
- contact info -
770 Chabad Gate, Thornhill, ON L4J 3V9, Canad
+1 905-731-7000
[email protected]